VE Day Winston Churchill Tea Cosy
It's VE days 75th anniversary on May 8th 2020, and Winston Churchill is lending a hand with the celebratory bunting.

With it being the 75th anniversary of the formal end of World War II this year, I thought I'd design a VE day tea cosy. The first Victory in Europe Day symbolism that came to mind was Churchill making the victory sign with his fingers. So I thought I'd design a Winston Churchill tea cosy. To celebrate VE day people have street parties and they go red, white and blue mad. So I thought I'd have Winston Churchill helping to hang out patriotic bunting.
Of course, Churchill was known for his homburg hat and cigar. He was also a plump fellow, so I intend to make the tea cosy a plump figure not only round his middle but also in the face.
I think the challenge of this tea cosy is that Winston Churchill wore quiet drag colours and I don't want to make all of his suit black, because that wouldn't feel like a very celebratory tea cosy, and black isn't the most fun to knit with. So I need to inject a bit of colour and brighten the tea cosy up whilst portraying a very serious character.
I think the hat will be a challenge too. Really you need the hat to be structurally supportive, but a homburg with its dent running across it, front to back, stops the hat from being structurally sound.
I'm looking forward to knitting this iconic figure and I think he will make a wonderful tea cosy.
The tea cosy will be knitting in Stylecraft Special DK throughout.
