Lancia Montecarlo Tea Cosy
I'm a bit out of my depth with this one, I'm not a vintage car buff, but I do like a challenge.

So why a Lancia Montecarlo Tea Cosy then, I hear you cry, if I'm not into vintage motors? I was asked by a lady who adores Lancia Montecarlo's to design her a tea cosy. Luckily she's sent me lots of photos to work with.
She didn't want the whole tea cosy to be the car itself, but she had an idea that she'd like to include the racing checkered flag.
So I have a grassy bank, with a chevron above. Well, if we are doing intarsia or Fairisle we might just as well go the whole hog! Then there is a break in the pattern, followed by the checkered pattern. I thought the black and white patterns needed breaking up a bit to stop it looking like a dazzle ship.
The car itself will be knitted separately and added on top. Sounds easy when you say it quick, but actually small things can be just as hard to design as big ones, and they do take time and can be rather fiddly. It's going to be the Montecarlo that is the challenge here.
I may be showing my ignorance here, but the car reminds me a bit of the 'Back to the Future' car, and the orange car the 'Dukes of Hazzard' raced around in. The car does have a look of the late 70's or early 80's. It's amazing to see how cars have changed over the years and like fashion, you can date them by their style.