UFO Tea Cosy
Take me to your teabag!

I wanted to do something a bit fun and a bit different. I like wacky and I came up with the idea of a UFO tea cosy. I think it sounds quite appropriate to have a flying sauer amongst your cups and saucers at teatime.
I wanted my spaceship to be a traditional sort of 1960's flying saucer. A disc shape with a dome on top. Around the edges of the disc, I want to add lots of brightly coloured lights. The UFO will look like its standing on legs which are holding it up on the top of the tea cosy.
Inside the spacecraft, I want to have a little green man. Again I'm going to use the classic idea of what 'we' think aliens look like, an upside down teardrop shaped head with large black almond shaped eyes. I'll only add his head and shoulders, because he will be sitting down to fly his UFO.
I think when the autumn comes and the nights draw in, we tend to think more about aliens and far away planets. So the tea cosy will be created just in time for long dark nights.
I love the X Files and sci-fi films are great fun, so I'm sure lots of people will enjoy the tongue in cheek tea cosy design.

Tags: sci-fi