Train Guard Tea Cosy
You may know that I do like my history, and most years we do go and visit heritage railways with steam trains chuffing up and down the line. We love the nostalgia. But this year with the Covid pandemic, we haven't visited a steam railway, so I'm designing a train guard to bring the railway to us.

The Train Guard tea cosy is going to be a Victorian style train guard, but to be honest they probably haven't changed much. I seem to remember that the train guard in Harry Potter looked pretty much like my sketch.
So I have drawn the guard in a black suit with a black hat edges with gold piping. There is a green badge on the front of his hat. In his hand I shall give him a green flag. I thought it would be fun to give him a whistle to blow on. Around the back is a mail bag, maybe he has received it from the train or he's going to give it to the next train?
I thought I'd make the guard an older man, I think old timers look more characterful. In Victorian times people did look older in young adult life because of their hard lives.
The only foreseeable problem with the design of this tea cosy is knitting in black in the autumn months, but the clocks go back at the weekend so maybe that will help with natural light during this design project.

Many thanks to Keith Fenwick for permission to use the old black and white photo.