Artist Tea Cosy
I had an enquiry on the Facebook group asking if there was a knitting pattern for an artist type painter tea cosy as opposed to a painter and decorator. They were looking for something with a pallet and brushes.

I was always into the arty programs on the telly when I was a little girl and even now I like to watch the video clips of people painting and drawing. I'll let you into a little secret, since lockdown I have been toying with the idea of doing a bit of painting, and hubby bought me some paints for Christmas, so the idea of an artist tea cosy really appealled to me.
My design is of an artist with his brush and pallet in hand. I thought it might be nice to have another brush behind his ear the way carpenters hold their pencils. It's a shame I can't get an easel in the composition, but I think it would be big and cumbersome.
Around the back of him I thought it would be nice if he had a pocket with something painting related in it and maybe a pet cat. I'll see how that idea goes.
I don't think anything will be too challenging. I suppose the hardest part will be the pallet. Its a funny shape and it will need to be stiffened - so shall have to save an empty milk bottle from the recycling! The brushes will also need stiffening so they don't look like limp noodles.
I'm looking forward to seeing the artist come to life, he already feels like a jolly fellow with a happy disposition. Just need to see if the yarn and pins can do him justice.
