Vintage Fighter Pilot Tea Cosy
I say! Chocks Away old boy!!

I love the idea of a humorous Vintage Fighter Pilot Tea Cosy, you know the sort with the goggles and the sheep skin jacket and the scarf. When I say Vintage, I'm thinking World War One fighter pilot. A time when there wouldn't have been as many airplanes and a time when everyone was frightfully posh!
To achieve the sheepskin look I shall use King Cole Cuddles DK Caramel to edge the cosy and for the collar. I'm looking forward to making the goggles, I think they will really bring him character to life. I love the handlebar moustache too, so comical and very Posh!
He looks like a pretty straightforward tea cosy and that's ok, not every tea cosy has to be mind blowingly complicated, so a simpler one will be great. However, I do have a little idea to have a biplane flying about him - fingers crossed that I can make it work.
With the air show season just around the corner, I thought a RAF theme tea cosy would be a topical knit that would be fun to make.
