Steam Train Tea Cosy
I'm steaming ahead with a new tea cosy design, the Steam Train Tea Cosy.

We have a keen train enthusiast in our house, an when we go on holiday we have to visit heritage railways.
It was a Father's day a few years ago now when I took the photos of the 'Captain Baxter' locomotive at Didcot Railway Centre. I had an idea in mine even then that I might one day design a steam train tea cosy.
I thought I'd make my train engine a nice green one, being brought up on Ivor the Engine, little trains look right in a green shade. I thought I'd leave the back open because I thought people would like to knit little people to drive the train.
The only real issues that I foresee is the construction. So many parts stand out or are self supporting and you know knitting has a tendency to be a bit floppy, so I shall have to do some structural engineering.
This is a tea cosy not for the petrol heads, but for the steam heads and those people who rematasise about the age of steam.
