Boris Johnson Tea Cosy
I have taken on a commission to design a Boris Johnson tea cosy, with messy hair and all!

Well this was a bit unexpected, being asked to create a Boris Johnson tea cosy. I was wondering how I was going to make it look like Bojo himself. Of course he'll be wearing a dark suit and blue tie, and there is always his hair. But I needed more to portray his character.
One thing that I have noticed about Boris is that he loves the 'thumbs up' gesture. And is you search google pictures, he's often got one or two thumb's up. So I thought that would be a good mannerism that I could utilise.
I also thought about what his legacy might be, what we might remember him for and I think as Winston had World War II; Boris has his Covid War. So with this in mind, and the victory close at hand, I gave Bojo a facemask to hold in his free hand.
I think we have all got used to the idea that the Covid virus is a little blue ball with red spikes sticking out from it, its become the unofficial symbol of the enemy and the pandemic. I thought I'd have a couple of little Corona viruses at the bottom of the tea cosy. I'm thinking that the red spikes on them will be created with beads, knitting them in as I go to save the faff of sewing them on afterwards. I haven't knitted with beads before, and I do like to try new techniques. I figured, if you are going to try something new, its probably best to start out on a small project, and the Covid balls are only going to be small, so they are the perfect place to have a go. I thought my fellow knitters might also like to try a new technique on a small scale. It's lovely to find a new pattern that pushes you just a little.
I can't see any foreseeable issues with this tea cosy, it will be lovely to see him knitted up. Love a bespoke tea cosy design.
