Keep Fit Tea Cosy
Getting some aerobic exercise in time for New Year with the Keep Fit tea cosy - perfect for people who need help and support to keep on the straight and narrow.

I was thinking about new year's resolutions, and I know most years I promise to get slimmer and healthier. After a Christmas blow out and indulgence of luxury food and lots of edible presents and party food, I always feel like I have put on three stone during those short twelve days of Christmas!
Well this year instead of promising to lose weight and get fit, I thought I'd promise to create a Keep Fit Tea Cosy. A much easier promise to keep!
Inspired by the 80's, with the Green Goddess and Mr Motivator on our televisions, I have designed an aerobics style tea cosy of an overweight lady in her lycra leotard and ankle warmers, welding some aerobic dumbbells. I think she must be about ready for a cuppa by now; she sitting down!
The televised exercisers used to wear very striking leotards back then, so I thought I'd make my aerobic tea cosy in bright colours - pink and green with yellow leg warmers, to funk up her outfit a bit. I'm not sure about her hair, I have temporarily given her a Sarah Connor look from the Terminator, but I wonder if a ponytail would be more fitting. I think I will let the hair develop organically and see what suits her.
I have had some other thoughts of little extras that I might include. But I thought I'd keep those ideas under wraps for now.
I don't foresee and tricky bits to the design that will be too taxing or hold up the designing process. I'm just going to amuse myself and have a lovely time making her, and empathising with her.
