Synchronised Swimming Tea Cosy
Come on, we have all had a little go at Synchronised Swimming when we thought people weren't looking. Funny isn't it how it looks so easy but when you try you almost drowned. I thought a bright and cheery Synchronised Swimmer would make a fabulous summer tea cosy, that was a bit of a giggle.

The synchronized swimming tea cosy will have a lady who is in her swimsuit and in the pool artistically swimming. I thought she'd be performing a movement with one leg raised and her arms above her head maybe.
I tried to find some royalty free images of synchronised swimmers to illustrate inspiration, but I could only find photos of women leisurely swimming. But you can see how their body sits in the water as they float on their backs and the water line. I thought I'd indicate to the waterline with a white wave, ripple where the water ends and the lady's body starts.
I have ordered some Stylecraft Special DK Fiesta especially for her swimming costume and her swimming cap. I don't get to knit with pink very often, so I thought this was a great opportunity. I also thought that a nice bright colour would be cheerful.
Now you know I love a bit of vintage, and I thought that my lovely synchronised swimmer could be wearing one of those 1960's swimming caps, you know the ones covered in flowers. I thought it would give her a bit of glamour.
The handle and spout openings will have to be at her sides, which is indicated by the green bar on the side of the tea cosy.
The only problems that I foresee is the how the chest and the top of the costume work. I think this will all have to be knitted as individual bits that are sewn together. Another issue will be the weighty head and keeping it elevated.
On to the pink yarn!