Traditional Welsh Lady Tea Cosy
I love a bit of tradition and the Traditional Welsh Lady tea cosy is going to be the perfect way to drink and keep tea hot in the beautiful country of Wales.

We have spent many a happy family holidays in the Welsh countryside, and I have always loved the traditional dress of the Welsh ladies. Such striking colours.
This new tea cosy is going to be based on a traditionally dressed Welsh lady with the predominant colours - red, black and white. She will be quite a simple tea cosy, but she'll have all the typical traditional elements you'd expect of a well dressed Welsh lady.
When I studied photos, some people have the skirt black and the top red, and others are red skirt and black top.
I went for the black skirt, with a bit of lacy petticoat showing below. I thought I'd give her a striped pinnie, and a red top, with a white shawl. She is also wearing the iconic tall black hat with white ruffles under the brim.
In her hands she is holding some leaks, she's obviously been gathering her ingredients for dinner. I think the leaks are going to be tricky to make because they are small things to make, and sometimes the smaller things are the trickier they are.
I think she will make a lovey tea cosy, bright and cheerful and traditional.
