Granny and her Zimmer Tea Cosy
I have been inspired by Zimmer frames. I broke my ankle last year and to be honest I was a little bit horrified when they gave me a Zimmer frame to walk with. But over time I grew attached to little Zimmie and named him. One thing I will say for little Zimmie, he tones your biceps up!

With this experience in mind, I thought I'd make a tea cosy with a Zimmer frame, but not for someone with a leg injury, but for a granny.
I'm going to use the over the top stereotype for my granny - big permed hair, glasses, cardigan and slippers with pompoms. I suppose they are all the things we dread as we get older.
There is a game with wind up Grannies for sale. The clockwork grannies race, and they look a lot like the picture I have in my head.
I thought I'd give her a big nose. Is it right that our noses never stop growing? I thought it would also help out with having a bigger nose to rest her glasses on.
From my own experience, I found that the Zimmer did make you bend over, so I want to give that impression that she's bending to put weight on the walking frame in front of her.
I think the hardest part will be the glasses and the walking frame. Glasses are tricky because they are clear and the glasses themselves are small, and knitting tends to be thick and chunky for detail that fine. The Zimmer frame will be tricky because it has to be self supporting and it's quite thin.
I do think she will be a giggle to make and would make a lovely gift for a young, new grandma.
