Shetland Pony Tea Cosy
The next tea cosy design to trot off the needles will be the Shetland Pony Tea Cosy. Again this is part of the Shetland theme series of tea cosy designs.

Shetland ponies are super cute. I love the way their hair hangs over their eyes, reminds me of 80's hair styles.
The lovely thing about Shetland ponies from a tea cosy perspective is that they are low slung and rather round, especially around the tummy. So a Shetland pony is the perfect subject for a teapot.
I have sketched the design so that the pony is stood on grass, I thought it would be nice to have him in a countryside setting. The main cosy will be the grass and the pony's tummy and back and all other parts will be knitted and attached to the main part of the cosy.
I haven't included the spout and handle in the sketch, but they are going to have to be sticking out of the pony's sides, because it wouldn't work to have the spout; for example, protruding out where the pony's head was. The head would get in the way and it wouldn't look astatically pleasing.
I usually have a rough idea of what I am going to do before I start knitting a tea cosy. But in this case I haven't got it all mapped out in my head yet. The mane and tail are the areas I'm still pondering about. I have a couple of ideas of how I could knit a main, but I would need to knit them and see how they look before I decide on which is right for our little Shetland friend.
I do love knitting animals because they are cute and that appeals to me. So I shall enjoy knitting this little chap.