Caveman Tea Cosy
When you get out of bed and feel like a primitive man until you get your first cup of tea - you need the caveman tea cosy!

I used to love the television program 'Meet the Ancestors'; the highlight of the show was when artists rebuilt someone's face from just a skull - amazing! And the family have spent a few days holidaying near Cheddar Gorge and visiting the Museum of Prehistory and the Cheddar man, and I thought it would be fun to design a caveman tea cosy.
I know the old cartoon caveman cliche with the club, and I wanted to steer clear of that. Cavemen were more intelligent than just clubbing things to death, they worked with stone to make arrows and spearheads. So I have given my caveman a spear.
I have given my caveman the furry on the outside attire though as I know this is the hollywood look, and that real cavemen would have had the skinny side out, but you have got to love a fluffy tea cosy!
The caveman has loopy hair in the picture, but I'm thinking his hair will be more textured than loopy. I imagine a caveman's hair would be unkempt and a more matted. I shall change the hair from the original sketch.
I don't foresee any issues in creating this tea cosy. It all seems straightforward. I did think that cavemen ate animals of the time that were all huge, like woolly mammoths. I thought it might be fun to knit a giant leg bone. I'll make it and see how it looks and how it can be incorporated into the cosy.
