Crofters Cottage Tea Cosy
I love the little traditional crofters cottages, they look so dinky and cute. I thought a crofters cottage would make a lovely tea cosy that might remind us of country living.

A crofters cottage is just a small single storey cottage with a door and a couple of windows. Nothing fancy and a bit dark inside.
Although I love crofters cottages, they are a bit totalitarian and a far cry from chocolate box cottages. So I have prettied my design up a bit with window boxes and and tall flowers, probably hollyhocks, maybe foxglove growing at the foot of the cottage. The flowers will add colour and interest and add to the romance of the cottage.
I have given the cottage a thatched roof, and I thought I'd knit it in a sunny yellow. Artistic licence, we don't want a dreary tea cosy! I love the edging near the top of that thatch that cottages have. It's like a swag that embellishes the roof top, I'd like to include something like that. And a chimney, you need a cosy fire to sit beside when you have finished a long day's work on the land. I don't know if the chimney pops out of the thatch roof or if it is on the gable end of the house. I shall have to work that out as I go.
I thought I'd have a chicken about the house. Being in the countryside it would be nice to have a little hen to lay an egg each morning for breakfast. And just because I like little animal characters on my tea cosies.
I don't foresee any tricky bits to this tea cosy, it all seems straight forward enough, but you never know and I shouldn't speak too soon.