Jester Tea Cosy
I had a request to design a jester tea cosy. When I think of jesters, I think of colour, bells and a 3 pointed floppy hat called fools hats; so that's what I aim to create.

My jester tea cosy has a three colour pallet to his outfit. Traditionally court jesters deliberately went out of their way to look outrageous and over the top. And frills, bells and bright colours all add to that flamboyantly.
So my jester is wearing a green and yellow costume that switches sides for the components of the garments to give that opposing and muddled look. There is a triangular edges collar, cuffs and frills around the waist that will all be in red which will add to the vibrancy.
I have given the jester that traditional fools hat that I will add bells to, to give him a little tinkle each time he's moved.
Because he's a jester, a fun maker, a fool and a clown, I thought it would be fun to give him legs that hang down each time the teapot is picked up. On the end of his legs I want to include curled up shoes with bells, again for the jingle effect.
In his hand I shall give him a bauble to carry, there were traditionally mock scepters. I'll make the scepter look like the jester, like a mini-mee.
The only challenges that I forsee are the triangular collars and cuffs. Ideally I'd like to design them so that you knit with one continuous strand, but that means I'll have to work that out and do some mathematics.
